Lynette Culverhouse
4 min readAug 4, 2023


Whether we like it or not the system we have used to educate our nation’s children for centuries is no longer working for us as a society. It is outdated, limiting and fails to prepare all children to be engaged, thoughtful, contributing members of society. Now, more than ever, is the time to look at that.

It’s time to climb out of the education box that, as a nation, has limited our full participation in the life and governing of our country. The model we are using is a factory model that was designed to prepare people to follow orders and fill a role in the manufacturing assembly line that ensured that capitalism and wealth creation thrived. It was never designed to ensure that all our citizens experience the freedom to pursue life, liberty and happiness. Maintaining a compliant and inadequately paid workforce in order that a small minority can hold the power and wealth is no longer politically acceptable. We have to change and that change has to begin with education.

Recently I attended a conference for educators, actually an “unconference”. What this means is that everyone attending has an equal voice and no one person is considered to have more expertise than the next. A schedule is created at the beginning of the day and anyone who has a topic to discuss chooses a time slot and a space and a conversation is started. It is an exchange of ideas. The day was full of inspiring and engaging conversations about how to be better at our craft and improve the learning experience for our nation’s children. I can say with absolute certainty that people who go into teaching are dedicated, inspiring and…



Lynette Culverhouse

Life Design coach, math coach, believer in dreams being realized and holding a vision of a world transformed so all beings live with dignity, grace and fullness